Independent Living Skills
All those things you need to know about when living by yourself, but the classroom seems to miss out on? It’s all here!
Manage your own money, cook your own food, plan your own career and increase your self-esteem, confidence and skills to live an independent life in your community.
All courses are one year in length and students can progress either within ILS or apply to mainstream courses at the College.
These courses are suitable for students from a variety of educational backgrounds. Students cover a mixture of vocational and creative skills, as well as continuing to improve literacy, numeracy and other essential skills.
There are no formal entry requirements, a place is offered based on an interview and an assessment of individual needs.
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Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
Independent Living Skills
The best thing about ILS is Sue Lane, my communicator, because she’s funny! We have lots of fun on the course and the tutors are great. I’ve made new friends and you can have a go at everything – cooking, painting, gardening, music and sports. We even go on trips so we can get used to using public transport.
Cameron Nutt
ILS Main Programme
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